Service Details

Information about age-group service times and learning material for Naz Kids

Naz Kids offers service times on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights so you have plenty of opportunities to get your child connected with the other children and trained leaders at Visalia Naz. Read below to get information on when and where to take your child during any of the listed service times.

Sunday Morning

Drop off (before 9 & 10:30a services)

3 Months – 5 Years 

  • Check-In Center then Naz Park Nursery

Kindergarten - 1st Grade

  • Check-in Center then Room 3

2nd - 6th Grade

  • Check-In Center then join adults in Worship Center for music then get dismissed to teachers at the back of the gym and led to classrooms

Pick Up (after 9 am service)

3 months - 5 yrs | Naz Park Nursery

Kindergarten - 1st grade | Room 3

2nd - 3rd grade | Room 21

4th - 5th grade | Room 18

6th grade | Room 20

Pick Up (after 10:30 am service)

3 months - 5 yrs | Naz Park Nursery

Kindergarten - 1st grade | Room 3

2nd - 6th grade | Room 17

Children’s Bible Quizzing (3rd-6th grade) | Room 18

*Children’s bible quizzing is a program in which the kids are taught to dig deep into God’s Word. Kids memorize 20 verses and develop deep, detailed knowledge of the content of the books of the Bible. They are given the opportunity to travel to other Nazarene churches to compete against other Bible Quizzing Teams. Teams that do well in district competitions will get the opportunity to go to Point Loma Nazarene University! It is important that the kids who choose to participate come regularly. 

Wednesday Night

Each year we study a complete book of the Bible in Naz Kids. In 2018-19 we are studying the book of Acts. 

On Wednesday nights, students Kindergarten to 6th grade are assigned to a small group were they can connect, learn & grow in an environment that feels like family. Children rotate with their small group through an interactive Bible story station, which allows time to connect with their leader and peers while digesting the lesson and praying for each other. The third station is pure fun, usually a game, craft or activity that reinforces the lesson. 

Wednesday Nights are times of deep growth and transformation in the lives of the children we serve, and in the leaders that serve them. 

Drop off (6:30 pm)

3 months – 5 years

  • Check-In Center then Naz Park Nursery

Kindergarten – 6th grade

  • Check-In Center then Room 17

Pick up (8:00 pm)

3 months – 5 years | Naz Park Nursery

Kindergarten - 6th grade | Room 17

If you'd like to get your child involved in bible quizzing, make sure to let the Visalia Naz Kids check in leader know when you arrive to check in your child on Wednesday nights.