About Us

Who we are, where we come from, and what's next for Visalia Naz

Who we are

Visalia Nazarene Church is a Christian church. So why call it Visalia Nazarene Church and not Visalia Christian Church? A simple answer is, there are many different subgroups, or denominations, within Christianity, which allow for differences in beliefs between the denominations. Most denominations share common ground on core issues of the Christian faith, but differ slightly on minor (yet still important) issues. The Nazarene church is one such denomination. As a Christian church, we give high authority to the Bible as the Word of God and seek to love God and love others the way Jesus taught us to. Click here to read more about specific Nazarene beliefs and history, or click here to read about who Jesus was and why we follow him.

Where we come from

Visalia Nazarene Church was founded in the year 1932 by a group of Christians from Hanford, CA. Since then, we have moved locations twice, and have grown to over five hundred members. As a church, we have always valued people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds. In fact, though our church is primarily English speaking, Visalia Naz is home to Spanish, Lahu, Korean, and Chinese congregations as well, which meet together in different areas of the campus throughout the week. God has shown us through Scripture that we must go to all nations, telling the wonderful news of Jesus Christ and God's love for all people.

What's next

What's the bottom line? You were created for the purpose of knowing and loving God, your Creator. This is the only way to true, lasting peace and happiness. Christians believe that "In God's presence is fullness of joy. At His right hand are pleasures forever" (The Bible, Psalm 16:11). God made us so that we would be completely whole when we come to Him, the One who made us. God can take away our fear of the future and our fear of death, our insecurities about our performance in life, our guilt over past mistakes. As a church, Visalia Naz is seeking to love and know God more, and help others who don't know God to come and know His love for them.

What this means for you

Whether you agree 100% with the things above or you're still trying to figure out what you believe about God, Jesus, and Christianity, you're always welcome at Visalia Naz. When you visit, there is absolutely no pressure to know exactly what you believe, or to feel like you have life figured out. Life is hard! We get that, and we're not perfect either. However, we've found a hope that comes from knowing the love of God for us, and we hope and pray that you will come to know God yourself. So whoever you are and wherever you're from, you'll always be accepted as part of the Naz family.